Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Welcome to Cristiano Ronaldo Workout

Dear reader

Welcome to my blog. This blog is inspired by Cristiano Ronaldo the world famous football player (in the USA they call this sport Soccer)

Three athletes in one
Cristiano Ronaldo is great and complete athlete. He is actually three athletes in one, namely:
  1. A long distance runner. A football match is 90 minutes long and you never see Cirstiano Ronaldo just standing around doing nothing in those 90 minutes. He is always on the move. It takes an athlete with great stamina to pull this off. Strategic cardio training is what enables him to do this.
  2. A sprinter. Cristiano Ronaldo is unmatched as a player because of his speed and agility. Once he gets up to speed, it's difficult to stop him even when he is dribbling with a football at his feet and his opponent is merely running along. The workout routine needed for this involves sprint training and jumping moves (plyometrics, but we will get to that in later articles).
  3. A power lifter. His incredible physique is the result of the above mentioned cardio and plyometrics, combined with well thought out weight training exercises. The lifting he does is not the kind bodybuilders do and it shows. He has developed just enough muscle (and not too much) in all the right places. Cristiano Ronaldo is strong but not bulky like a bodybuilder. His physique is impressive and pleasing to the eye.
Building a body that is aesthetically pleasing
In this blog I will be sharing fitness and workout secrets with you to build a body like Cristiano Ronaldo. Because let's face it. Wouldn't you like to look more like Cristiano Ronaldo (see picture 1) instead of like a bulky bodybuilder (see picture 2)? Another added benefit is that with a body like Cristiano you will be able to reach your nose and scratch it if you feel an itch :-)

Cristiano Ronaldo picture looking shredded
1. Shredded body pleasing to the eye (click for larger image).
2. Bulky bodybuilder look

You see, just gaining muscle mass is overrated and doesn't make you look good. We want to go for the look on picture 1. To achieve this look, you will need to do some serious training but you don't have to live in a gym. A minimum of 3 workouts per week (and ideally 4) is all you need. These workouts will also be a maixmum of approximately 1 hour. Apart from achieving the look like Cristiano Ronaldo you also become a bit of the three types of athletes mentioned before (a long distance runner, a sprinter and a Power lifter). The workouts will incorporate cardio, sprinting & jumping exercises and targeted weight lifting.
One warning thought. A shredded and toned body like Cristiano Ronaldo is within your reach with hard work and determination but this blog will not teach you how to become a world class football player (or Soccer player for you American readers).

Come back soon for more articles to burn fat, build muscle and look good.

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