Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Speed, strength and agility

Here's a video showing the speed and dribbling skills of Cristiano Ronaldo. This video is meant to give you an idea of the kind of athleticism you can achieve with this workout.

If you train like a bodybuilder you will never be able to reach this kind of speed because of all the extra mass you will be carrying around. Apart from becoming slow you will not look good either if you just pack on muscle everywhere on your body. The trick is to build muscle in certain areas of your body to have functional strength and look good.

Now you must be asking yourself how do you develop power and strength without muscle? Good question. You see, bodybuilders train for size not for strength. So the answer is simple. You do need muscle mass for power and strength. But you do not need to look like a bodybuilder to have power and strength. You can pack a lot of power and strength with a lot less muscle mass if you train the right way. To illustrate this point see this video below of Cristiano Ronaldo's powerful shots at goal. He doesn't look like a bodybuilder but he has a lot of power and strength in his legs. Especially pay attention to his shot at goal 50 seconds into the video below.

Here's another impressive showcase of the strength of Cristiano Ronaldo. In the picture below you can see how high he can jump.

This what powerful legs can do. Clik for larger picture.

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